Sunday, March 23, 2014


Well, a little less than a year after first coming to this amazing city. I returned! Of course this time I actually had free time to tour around... Which I did! So much walking over these last few days have left me rather crippled. 

While I absolutely love London I must say 4 days here is just to much for me, of course there is definitely a ton I didn't get the chance to see. But there is always another time to come back and journey more. 

A few important things I have to share would be the second night me and my 2 friends I came with went to find a bar... So we hop on the bus and go closer to London Centre. After passing a few bars we decide that the next bar we see we are going to get off and go... which we definitely did! Found this really really cool looking bar that was described as an Irish Pub (it literally said... "Irish Pub"). So we jump off the bus and go across the street, open the door... and discover it was a watering hole for the local elder men. The average age I would have to say was 50 years old. So needless to say we didn't stay long before we got back on the bus and drove onward. Going closer to the city we discovered that drinking establishments close super early, and we kept getting told "Sorry we're closed". So finally we found a bar that was still opened for another hour, sat, relaxed and had a drink before admitting we were exhausted and got back on the bus and going to our hotel. 

Sorry... got distracted by this Russian woman who is yelling at the front desk. Its rather humerous as her English is more like Rusglish. 

Okay. So the other big event while here was the stumbling upon an anti-fascism rally. Which was more or less a bunch of people yelling about rascism and then playing bob marley. 

All in all I must say that I am very much ready to head back to France. This city is absolutely amazing and has so much wonder and rich history... but it definitely has gotten the best of this boy. 

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